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Saturday, 28 November 2015

23. Notes-Plenary 3

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Notes from the Plenary Session
Dr. KR.Sivadasan
Former Dean, Faculty of Education
University of Kerala

Cognitive neuroscience –  myth or reality

*Neuroscience – study of the functioning of neurons.
-It’s the learning of the brain.
-Are the functions of the brain the same in all living beings?

*Brain and its size
-Is the size of the brain the same in all living beings?
-Relationship between SES and brain – study regarding
-Can we change the size of the brain?

*Cognitive neuroscience
-The term  indicates that both concepts of cognition and neuroscience are related. In the absence of either of them, man cannot actively participate  in activities where cognitive skills like logical  thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, reasoning etc., are integrated with neurons in the brain. This process of integrative system helps mould the abstract ideas into motor activities.
-However, no consensus for a definition

* For  reflection :
-Do the thinking process and the integrative system presented  take place in all animals?

*Development of Neuroscience
-Difficult to  study the child’s brain.
-Restrictions by governments. For instance, Australia.
-Brain imaging techniques help to get data.

 Brain Plasticity/Neuroplasticity
-The brain can be moulded.
-Imagine it as a lump of porridge. We can change the shape of porridge by a spoon falling in it.
-Likewise, the neural networks within the brain  recognize in response to sensory stimulation –  external and internal.
-The brain has the capacity of rewiring itself via synaptogenesis.
-Brain plasticity – a synonym for neurogenesis.

Education and Brain plasticity 
-In Education, functional plasticity is important.
-Functional plasticity is the ability to change behaviour following internal and external experiences

Link between Education & Neuroscience
-Beuchamp and Beuchamp feel the importance of creating a link between the findings of neuroscience  research and the contexts in which teaching and learning take place.
-But there are issues… try to list them

Findings in Neuroscience   
-Neuroscience produced findings about the brain and its functions.
-Those findings can potentially impact the ways teachers approach their learners.

Research  conducted  in Stanford University

*Methods of imaging improve.

*Neuroscientists and educators can now identify  changes in children’s brains as they learn. (Stanford Report, November 21, 2014).

*Researchers in Stanford are trying to “understand how educational experiences are driving changes in the brain….”!
-They have state-of-the- art neuroimaging facilities.
-They train the next generation of leaders in educational neuroscience!


22. Programme Snap Shots- 28 November 2015

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Friday, 27 November 2015

21. Best Paper Presenter Award

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

  Mr. Sandeep Patil
 Assistant Professor, Azad College Of Education, Satara (M.S.)
who  presented  a  Paper entitled
Social Media In Teacher Education: Promoting New Age Professional Development
was  adjudged the


Abstract of Paper

Social media has become a key driving force in human life. Education sector is under its influence in new era. Social Media is emerging as a vital tool in education. Teacher Education is undergoing paradigm shift in 21st Century. Information & Communication Technologies are at the crux of this transformation. Social media can play a pivotal role in capacity building and continuous professional development of both pre-service as well as in-service teacher community. Social Media through its varied means and modes can integrate technology and constructivist theories to enhance dialogue, reflection, collaboration and learning networking. It can be momentous in preparing teachers as facilitators demanded in neo-millennium. Hence, yawning thought and apposite inclusion of social media in teacher education is indispensable in today’s era.

Aim/ Purpose: The prime purpose of the present paper was to judge the impact of utilizing social media in teacher education programme.

Methodology of Study: This is an experimental study along with a survey. Views of student teachers, in-service teachers and teacher educators about the utility of social media in teaching practice with the help of questionnaire. The study also comprised of an experiment with single group pre-test post-test design. The student teachers from experimental group were introduced to an orientation cum discussion programme regarding utilizing social media in their professional preparation. Data was collected through Student teachers’ posts and comments, observations and interviews. Pre- and Post- program teaching effectiveness was measured through lesson observation rating scale and compared. Rsults were drawn which lead to some interesting findings.

Findings: The major finding are that i) Social media if introduced with proper orientation aids significantly in teachers professional development, ii) Social media helps in bringing collaboration, reflection, networking among the student teachers. iii) Social media is vital in nurturing teacher as a facilitator evoking constructivism in teacher thought process.

Relevance/ Originality/ Value: It is a small scale research that has introduced social media as a tool in teacher preparation in pre-service mode. Student teachers were extremely satisfied in using social media which can help the teacher in reflecting as a professional. This research can assist the further researches regarding inclusion of social media in teacher education programmes both of pre-service as well as in-service mode.

What are the prospects of social media in Teacher Education Programme? How can the social media be integrated in Teacher Education? How the professional development of teachers can be promoted through social media? These issues are addressed in the present paper.

Key Words: Social Media, Professional Development, Reflection

20. Notes- Theme Talk

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Notes from  the Theme Talk
Dr. C. P. Sreekantan Nair
Chairman, CTE Kerala

*Ideally research in Education should be:
*But  unfortunately  in the Indian context, dilution is happening!
*Original contributions are becoming rare…

*A wholehearted  involvement in pursuing research is essential.

18. Notes-Plenary 2

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Notes from the Plenary Session
Dr. Achuth Sankar S. Nair
Professor  & Head (in charge)
Department of Bioinformatics
University of Kerala

* There is a change today…Earlier  the  teacher was  seen as a sage on the stage… now the teacher has become  a guide by the side.

*The practice of asking questions  dies  as one leaves school and becomes an adult!

*Education should reflect the change happening in society.

*In teaching, learning, research and governance, we need to realize the current perspective.

*Quality is to be measured continuously.

*Pressing down an international parameter on Indian  universities is not necessary… So in one way we  are  400 times behind  any  world class university...

*It is very difficult to precisely define excellence.

*There should be  a desire to become  better than we are…

18. Notes-Plenary 1

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Notes from the Plenary Session
Mr. Petrov Vladimir
Member of Expert Council of State of Duma, Russia

Sustainable development
* A new paradigm for humanity.

*SD is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

*Sustainability calls for a dynamic balance among many factors, including the social, cultural and economic requirements of humankind and the imperative need to safeguard the natural environment of which humanity is part.

Education for Sustainable  development (UNESCO)

Education for a sustainable future is about learning to:
*respect, value and preserve the achievements of the past;
*appreciate the wonders and the peoples of the Earth;
*live in a world where all people have sufficient food for a healthy and productive life;
*assess, care for and restore the state of our Planet;
*create and enjoy a better, safer, more just world;
*be caring citizens who exercise their rights and responsibilities locally, nationally and globally. 

Network of international model scientific-educational production centers of sustainable development 
Main Objectives:
*Creating of a network of international model scientific-educational production centers of sustainable development as the forerunners of sustainable society;
*Developing of Strategy and short- and middle- term plans for the implementation of the fundamentals of the ESSD (the Education System for Sustainable Development) which include activity on methodological, organizational, technological, methodical, health, security and other levels.

It  is sphere of mind of the mankind, also it is a future of human community; noosphere will be a system of co-evolution of human community and nature in which the intellect and spirituality of man and mankind as a whole will reach their highest development, the principles and ideals of humanism will triumph and will be ensured in every respect a sustainable and safe development on the planet and in Cosmos.
Sustainable development is the path to noosphere – its final result.

Supporting schemes (SS) are  highly effective tools for:
*Managements – to manage a school
*Teachers – to get a success in his work
*Students – to have a joy of learning
*Parents – to help their children with homework

Basic Principles  of SSS
*principle of large-block introduction of theoretical knowledge
*principle of multiple variant cyclic repetition
*principle of harmonious development of reproductive and creative thinking
*principle of fast movement forward
*principle of learning on high level of difficulty
*principle of open perspectives
*principle of conflict-free learning
*principle of openness of learning progress
*principle of creation of dynamic stereotype
*principle of humanism

17. Programme Snap Shots- 27 November 2015

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Thursday, 26 November 2015

16.Notes from the Keynote address

[Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Standards & Benchmarks  and Excellence in teaching, learning & research
Key note  address delivered by
Dr. Margaret Solomon
Professor, La Sierra University

*Can Standards & Benchmarks alone bring excellence in Teaching, Learning and Research?

Standards and Benchmarks
*Learning Standards are a set of clear statements …specifying the key educational objectives students must achieve in each content subject
*Teaching Standards—Teaching qualities that pre and in-service teachers must demonstrate
*Benchmarks—Target goals that should be reached and demonstrated.

Standards Movement in the United States
*Nation at Risk came in 1983
-Improve student learning
-Improve teacher Quality
*Curriculum/Learning Standards were set by each State
*Teaching standards were adopted by teacher training institutions

Standard’s Movement was about
*Bringing Equity in Education
*Decrease the Achievement Gap
*Reforms that came to support
*Improve Education America, 1993
*Goals 2000
*No Child Left Behind, 2001

Accountability Measures
*No Child Left Behind, 2001
*Demanded more accountability from teachers
*Student failures were attributed to teaching failures
*Schools did not receive resources to assist teachers

Teaching Standards Focused
*Teaching for understanding
*Skills development
*Collaborative Activities
*Diversity of Content and Methods

What Can we Learn from the United States?
*Standards became the teaching content in schools
*Student achievement showed improvement first
*Accountability measure—NCLB did not result in increased achievement
*NCLB made teachers very angry with its assessment measures
*Achievement gap widened
*Standards and benchmarks did not eradicate all the teaching and learning problems

Educational Excellence Means:
*Student Centered Instruction
*Research-based pedagogies
*Student Engagement in Learning
*Intellectually stimulating Learning Experiences
*Critical Inquiry
*Developing Solutions to real world issues
*Improving Practice through learning
*Critical Reflection

Action Research
*Action Research is a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action.  The primary reason for engaging in action for improving a selected action
*Selecting a focus
*Clarifying theories
*Identifying research questions
*Collecting data
*Analyzing data
*Reporting results
*Taking informed action

Teacher Learning
*Teaching is a Learning Profession; therefore continuous professional learning will enhance the teaching practice.
*Teacher learning at its best takes place in the school among teacher learning teams.
*Teacher learning that focuses on students and their learning challenges brings the best result .
*Teaching is a Learning Profession; therefore continuous professional learning will enhance the teaching practice.
*Teacher learning at its best takes place in the school among teacher learning teams.
*Teacher learning that focuses on students and their learning challenges brings the best result.

What do we Know?
*How can we bring Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Research?
*Through continuous professional learning
*Developing teachers with a passion and commitment to teaching

*Can Standards & Benchmarks alone bring excellence in TLR?
*No, but they will help if there is a clear process in place for learning and researching to reach the standards and benchmarks

*How often should we set standards and benchmarks?
*As Research informs of the need