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Friday, 27 November 2015

18. Notes-Plenary 1

 [Blog of the Annual-cum-International Conference 2015]

Notes from the Plenary Session
Mr. Petrov Vladimir
Member of Expert Council of State of Duma, Russia

Sustainable development
* A new paradigm for humanity.

*SD is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

*Sustainability calls for a dynamic balance among many factors, including the social, cultural and economic requirements of humankind and the imperative need to safeguard the natural environment of which humanity is part.

Education for Sustainable  development (UNESCO)

Education for a sustainable future is about learning to:
*respect, value and preserve the achievements of the past;
*appreciate the wonders and the peoples of the Earth;
*live in a world where all people have sufficient food for a healthy and productive life;
*assess, care for and restore the state of our Planet;
*create and enjoy a better, safer, more just world;
*be caring citizens who exercise their rights and responsibilities locally, nationally and globally. 

Network of international model scientific-educational production centers of sustainable development 
Main Objectives:
*Creating of a network of international model scientific-educational production centers of sustainable development as the forerunners of sustainable society;
*Developing of Strategy and short- and middle- term plans for the implementation of the fundamentals of the ESSD (the Education System for Sustainable Development) which include activity on methodological, organizational, technological, methodical, health, security and other levels.

It  is sphere of mind of the mankind, also it is a future of human community; noosphere will be a system of co-evolution of human community and nature in which the intellect and spirituality of man and mankind as a whole will reach their highest development, the principles and ideals of humanism will triumph and will be ensured in every respect a sustainable and safe development on the planet and in Cosmos.
Sustainable development is the path to noosphere – its final result.

Supporting schemes (SS) are  highly effective tools for:
*Managements – to manage a school
*Teachers – to get a success in his work
*Students – to have a joy of learning
*Parents – to help their children with homework

Basic Principles  of SSS
*principle of large-block introduction of theoretical knowledge
*principle of multiple variant cyclic repetition
*principle of harmonious development of reproductive and creative thinking
*principle of fast movement forward
*principle of learning on high level of difficulty
*principle of open perspectives
*principle of conflict-free learning
*principle of openness of learning progress
*principle of creation of dynamic stereotype
*principle of humanism

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